The power of emotions in our organizations and its impact on engagement
Imagine a world in which there was no opportunity to be rewarded for great work. No opportunity to feel loved or respected as a human. No opportunity to have your mood enhanced through kindness and appreciation. As humans we need these powerful well-being enhancers produced in the brain. They promote happiness, well-being, and a general good mood.
The absence of happy chemicals actually promotes an attitude that can create a depressed mood, crankiness, or just overall apathetic behavior:
Cortisol is the primary stress hormone that increases glucose in the bloodstream, enhances the brain's use of glucose and increases the availability of substances in the body that repair tissues.
Low serotonin levels in the brain can lead to anxiety, irritability, and sleep disorders that are normally associated with depression.
Reduced levels of norepinephrine can lead to fatigue and a general depressed mood
Imagine then how this state of frustration, negativity, and even pain impacts your organization overall. Is your organization suffering from a lack of happiness? Have you considered how it may be impacting your customers, other team members, your operations? What is your role in promoting engagement through your role as a leader to display happiness to your team?
The good news: there is simple solutions to help with employee engagement and a culture of overall well-being, it’s called the daily DOSE. Well-being neuro-chemicals – or the daily DOSE include the following:
Dopamine: the reward chemical
Oxytocin: the love chemical
Serotonin: the mood chemical
Endorphins: the pain-killer chemical
There is a direct connection to a state of well-being and employee engagement and a culture of commitment, in which your employees have marked increase to your bottom-line. Displaying happiness and well-being within your organization can make the difference of an energized team sharing happiness and creating buzz! Strategy #5.