Train and learn together
Why it matters...
Your new hire has just been put into a system they know nothing about, but are expected to thrive based on a simple checklist. New team member integration is so much more than completing a checklist. Ensure your new team members feel welcomed and successful from day one.
Research has shown that effective integration is far more effective and less stressful than on-boarding.
Reduces stress and turnover
New hires will make a stay or go decision within three days of hire
Provides personalized content
Meet the exact needs of your new hire and ensure they get the information they need
Ensure community support
Engage your existing employees to mentor and guide new hires
The cost of a lost employee can be as high as three-times their annual salary. Imagine the cost if unhappy ones stay?
Help your new hires feel welcome and successful from day one
Conduct check-ins and set realistic goals at 3-, 30, and 90-days check ins
Get your entire team engaged in new hire integration.!
Do you have the business you've been dreaming of?
Learn more about new team member integration
PI video
PII video
PIII video
PIV video

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Additional organizational training & learning
On-going and well-presented events are key to ensuring your organization is learning as a whole, reducing silo's, developing a common language so that real conversations can occur reducing conflict and increasing organizational knowledge.
Custom Curricula
Organizational learning
In person, live events
Learning strategies designed for your business
Emotional Intelligence
Senge’s Fifth Discipline
Generational Differences
Learning Evaluation to level 4
We’ve designed over 50 unique curricula for a variety of businesses. Let us develop some for you.
Create a growth & development culture
Enterprise mentoring programs
We provide a variety of curricula and tools to help integrate learning into a culture for sustainability and ROI
Fun, interactive, effective
Employee Engagement
Sparking Creativity
Customized leadership retreats
Making Sense of Team Dynamics & the FAST tools to correct team dynamics
Nothing solidifies a team like a common language and shared experience.