Its been said to “begin with the end in mind,” most often attributed to the late Dr. S. Covey. Creating a community of practice is the employee engagement strategy #1. Begin by visioning a culture that respects and demonstrates that you truly value your team members by building a common experience. A common experience within your organizational culture helps to eradicate unpleasant surprises among the employee population. Team members experience the same degree of respect from every leader within your organization through a consistent demonstration of common cultural engagement strategies.
Our engagement assessment provides leaders with an opportunity to better understand where their strengths and opportunities lie. This is the perfect way to encourage the whole team to mentor one-another, foster dialogue, develop a common language among the team, provide knowledge sharing, and break down organizational silos. Most importantly, this sense of commonality and enhanced collegial relationships among leaders drives positive culture change. This is how we “model the way” (Kouzes & Posner, (2017) by demonstrating real behaviors that are known best-practices for employee engagement!
Coming soon! Engaging your employees:
12 strategic activities to drive your organization’s culture and commitment.