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Begin from Within Module two: What is leadership

Lets dive into leadership! Welcome to module two where we define leadership as a practice.   In the big scheme of things, leadership itself is a relatively new concept.  As a collective whole, we as humans have spent most of our time under a management exercise.    Before we unpack this historical perspective, we’ll define leadership as a goal post on our path.

The learning and development goals of module two:

-Defining and exploring Leadership

  • What is it?
  • How do we know it?
  • How do we do it?

-A bit of history

Everybody leads!  Begin your leadership development today.

Self-study module #2: What is leadership

  • Now you have access to the same curricula and development tools as graduate students and employees in large organizations. Developed and brought to you by a Learning and Leadership Development specialist with 25 years of experience.

    The material:

    There are three-parts to this module: power point based slide-show (SS), a participant guide (PG), and the learning tools (LT). Each module is a four-part self-study learning opportunity, supported by the PG.   The power point based slide show provides module highlights. The bulk of the material is in the PG, designed to be your guide and your educational materials.

    Each PG includes a pre- and post-learning assessment, focus moment, reflective opportunities, and activities. The LTs consists of competency rubrics, learning checklists, and a learning map.  These are the same development tools used by professionals in large-organizations!  Be sure to download both files.

    Module two: 

    This is module two of a 12 part series in the Begin from Within Leadership Development.  In this module we explore Leadership: what is it, how do we know it, how do we do it?

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