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Employee Engagement

Frustrated with not knowing how to support your team?  We provide a series of tools and additional curricula, all designed to help create a culture of commitment within your organization.  


Don't let leadership development end with the learning modules! 

There is a difference!

Up until this point, I had no idea there was a difference between managing and leading. Not only do I understand the difference, I now know when and how to do both

Rita S.

Port of Seattle

Appreciating the difference

I appreciated learning about the difference between managing and leadership. Until this program, I never realized there was a difference. I am glad we chose to focus on leadership, especially since I now know what it really means.

Sameer M., MD

Providence Health & Services

Just the beginning

Half-way through the program, I realized that this was only the beginning of my leadership journey

Jeffrey H., MD

Providence Health & Services

Employee Engagement

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